Contact Us


STEKA Home is based in Nyambadwe, Malawi.

You can contact STEKA through Facebook message and Godknows Maseko by phoning or Whatsapping +265995794899 or emailing

Helen is available through calling and Whatsapping +265888354890

To sponsor a child please email:

We look forward to hearing from you!

10 thoughts on “Contact Us

  1. Hello friends, God is doing some wonders at STEKA and a lot of different activities are on the ground. The children are really progressing in the way STEKA has been dreaming of. Thanks to all friends of STEKA who are always there in time of need and time of difficulties. No need to give you the verse, I know most of you know what the bible says about how vulnerable people need to be treated and cared and…………………….
    Be blessed
    Love from STEKA children to you all

  2. God is doing a favour to STEKA, the house has been blessed with another child, a boy, 1.2 years old and his name is Patrick. We are proud of him, we said we would only have 12 children when we started but we forgot that God has no limit.

  3. Hope that this steka is goin to reach vulnerable children in other Areas & Cities of Malawi & Africa,Our God bless STEKA

    1. Stephen, my name is heather… I am the one who is working on the website and raising awareness about STEKA on the USA side….I met Godknows & Hellen Maseko in 2010 and will forever have a relationship with them. I truly believe the model used at Step Kids Awareness (STEKA) Children’s Home is going to change the way “orphanages” operate…. Not just in Malawi but in surrounding African countries… I’m excited for God to use this family style Children’s Home… And I can’t wait to see how it changes the way orphanages are operated! Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions!

  4. Thank you all friends for the long you have been with us now. We are thinking of coming up with a vocational skills center where by our children can be trained in vocational skills. We hope this project will commence in the next few months because we now have children graduating from secondary school. Not all children can make it to university so we need to make plan for them in advance otherwise these children will be still vulnerable. Please pray for us to achieve this vission.

  5. Greatings in the name of Jesus,

    i was listening to your story on the radio yesternight and i want to join you, to be part of STEKA.
    Jesus meant us to be one anothers solution.
    in Jesus name.

    1. thank you for the interest would you please try to call me on 0888245101 or 0995794899 so that we can meet and map the way forward
      regards be blessed all the time
      from STEKA children

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